Cilfynydd GP Petition / Deiseb

Following the announcement by Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board that Taff Vale Practice has made an application to close the Cilfynydd surgery, I am signing this petition to ask CTMUHB to reject the application and for Taff Vale Practice to reopen the Surgery in Cilfynydd.


“We, the residents of Cilfynydd and Norton Bridge, have to travel to Dewi Sant or Rhydyfelin to be seen by a local doctor. By signing this petition, we are asking Taff Vale Practice to secure the future of the surgery in Cilfynydd and request that the surgery reopens and returns to providing a service to the local community.”

[Picture Google Street View]

Yn dilyn y cyhoeddiad gan Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg bod Taff Vale Practice wedi gwneud cais i gau meddygfa Cilfynydd, rwy’n llofnodi’r ddeiseb hon i ofyn i Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg i wrthod y cais ac i Taff Vale Practice ailagor y Feddygfa yng Nghilfynydd.

“Mae’n rhaid i ni, drigolion Cilfynydd a Norton Bridge, deithio i Dewi Sant neu Rhydfelen i gael ein gweld gan feddyg lleol. Wrth arwyddo’r ddeiseb hon, rydym yn gofyn i Taff Vale Practice sicrhau dyfodol y feddygfa yng Nghilfynydd a gofyn i’r feddygfa ailagor a dychwelyd i ddarparu gwasanaeth i’r gymuned leol.”

195 signatures

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