Deiseb Meddygfa Ynysybwl Surgery Petition
Cadwch ein meddygfa ar agor
Keep our surgery open
We, who have signed this petition, call on Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board to keep the Ynysybwl branch of Taff Vale Practice open.
Closure would have a huge impact on patients, who are already struggling to secure appointments.
Many patients do not own cars and can currently walk to the Ynysybwl branch. The lack of adequate bus services already results in patients missing vital GP and hospital appointments elsewhere.
For older patients, or those who may be less mobile, going by bus to Glyncoch, Rhydyfelin or Dewi Sant involves catching two buses. This will only lead to more missed appointments or people choosing not to seek treatment.
Please listen to our views, and keep the Ynysybwl branch open.
Rydym ni, sydd wedi llofnodi’r ddeiseb hon, yn galw ar Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf Morgannwg i gadw cangen Ynysybwl o Feddygfa Cwm Taf ar agor.
Byddai cau yn cael effaith enfawr ar gleifion, sydd eisoes yn ei chael yn anodd sicrhau apwyntiadau.
Nid yw llawer o gleifion yn berchen ar geir a gallant gerdded i gangen Ynysybwl ar hyn o bryd. Mae diffyg gwasanaethau bws digonol eisoes yn golygu bod cleifion yn colli apwyntiadau hanfodol gyda meddygon teulu ac ysbytai mewn mannau eraill.
Ar gyfer cleifion hŷn, neu’r rhai sydd efallai’n llai symudol, mae mynd ar fws i Glyncoch, Rhydyfelin neu Dewi Sant yn golygu dal dau fws. Bydd hyn ond yn arwain at golli mwy o apwyntiadau neu bobl yn dewis peidio cael triniaeth.
Plîs gwrandewch arnom, a chadwch gangen Ynysybwl ar agor
Keep Ynysybwl Surgery Open
We call on Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board to keep the Ynysybwl branch of Taff Vale Practice open.
Closure would have a huge impact on patients, who are already struggling to secure appointments.
Many patients do not own cars and can currently walk to the Ynysybwl branch. The lack of adequate bus services already results in patients missing vital GP and hospital appointments elsewhere.
For older patients, or those who may be less mobile, going by bus to Glyncoch, Rhydyfelin or Dewi Sant involves catching two buses. This will only lead to more missed appointments or people choosing not to seek treatment.
Please listen to our views, and keep the Ynysybwl branch open.
Please Sign our PETITION
Volunteer Ynysybwl Byelection
This by-election is not one that anyone wanted but we are determined to retain Tony's seat on RCT for Plaid Cymru, if you want to help we would love to hear from you.
Become a volunteer